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TAMRA Azide|TAMRA N3|羧甲基罗丹明叠氮

发布时间:2024-04-03 分享至:

TAMRA Azide|TAMRA N3|羧甲基罗丹明叠氮
The red-fluorescent TAMRA azide can be reacted with terminal alkynes via a copper-catalyzed click reaction (CuAAC). It also reacts with strained cyclooctyne via a copper-free &lduo;click chemistry&rduo; reaction to form a stable triazole and does not reuire Cu-catalyst or elevated temperatures. TAMRA (tetramethylrhodamine) is a bright fluorescent label is patible with various excitation sources including mercury arc, tungsten and xenon arc lamps, the 544 nm line of the Helium-Neon laser and the 532 nm green laser line.
Abs/Em Maxima

Extinction coefficient

Flow cytometry laser line

532 or 555 nm
Microscopy laser line

532 or 555 nm
Spectrally similar dyes

Alexa Fluor® 546, Atto™ 543, CF™ 555 Dye, DyLight™549
Molecular weight



Water, DMSO, DMF, MeOH

>90% (HPLC)

Red solid
Storage conditions

Shipping conditions

Ambient temperature
TAMRA Azide|TAMRA N3|羧甲基罗丹明叠氮
5(6)-Carboxy tetramethyl rhodamine;5(6)-TAMRA  150347-56-1
5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine; 5-TAMRA  91809-66-4
6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine;6-TAMRA  91809-67-5
5(6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine succinimidyl ester;5(6)-TAMRA, SE 246256-50-8
5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine succinimidyl ester;5-TAMRA, SE  150810-68-7
6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine succinimidyl ester;6-TAMRA, SE  150810-69-8
1,4-dichloro 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine  198546-47-3
1,4-dichloro 6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine  407581-83-3
5-Carboxy-X- rhodamine; 5-ROX   216699-35-3
6-Carboxy-X- rhodamine; 6-ROX   194785-18-7
5(6)-Carboxy-X- rhodamine; 5(6)-ROX    198978-94-8
5(6)-ROX, SE [5-(6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] 
5-ROX, SE [5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] 
6-ROX, SE [6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester]
Rhodamine 101;Rhodamine 640    64339-18-0
Rhodamine 110 chloride   13558-31-1
Rhodamine 123   62669-70-9
6-ROX C2 Maleimide 
6-ROX alkyne
6-ROX azide
5(6)-TAMRA Maleimide 
5-TAMRA Maleimide
6-TAMRA Maleimide 
5-TAMRA alkyne
6-TAMRA alkyne 
5-TAMRA azide
6-TAMRA azide
5(6)-TAMRA cadaverine
5-TAMRA cadaverine 
6-TAMRA cadaverine 
5(6)-TAMRA ethylenediamine
5-TAMRA ethylenediamine 
6-TAMRA ethylenediamine
6-Aminotetramethylrhodamine (6-氨基四甲基罗丹明)  80724-18-1
5-Aminotetramethylrhodamine  (5-氨基四甲基罗丹明)  80724-17-0,167095-10-5
5-TAMRA cadaverine
5-TAMRA NHS Ester                                  150810-68-7
5(6)-TAMRA NHS Ester                               150408-83-6
TAMRA Acid                                         98181-63-6
5-Carboxy Fluorescein; 5-FAM  5-羧基荧光素         76823-03-5
6-Carboxy Fluorescein; 6-FAM  6-羧基荧光素 3301-79-9
5(6)Carboxy fluorescein; 5(6)-FAM  5(6)羧基荧光素72088-94-9
1,4-dichloro 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine         198546-47-3
1,4-dichloro 6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine         407581-83-3
Sulforhodamine 101; Sulforhodamine 640             60311-02-6
5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine; 5-ROX                       216699-35-3
6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine; 6-ROX                       194785-18-7
5(6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine; 5(6)-ROX                 198978-94-8
Rhodamine 101;Rhodamine 640                        64339-18-0
Cy2                                                260430-02-2
Cy2-SE;Cy2 NHS Ester                               1205-33-4
Cy3                                                146368-13-0
Cy3-SE;Cy3 NHS Ester                               146368-16-3
Cy5                                                146368-11-8
Cy5-SE;Cy5 NHS Ester                            146368-14-1
Cy7                                                943298-08-6
Cy7-SE; Cy7 NHS Ester                              477908-53-5
Cy3-alkyne                                         10103-62-5
Cy5-alkyne                                         1345823-20-2
Calcein tetraethyl ester                           1170856-93-5
Dansyl chloride丹磺酰氯                          605-65-2
Dansyl acid                                        6268-49-1
DABCYL acid, SE                                    146998-31-4
DNP-X acid                                         10466-72-5
8-Hydroxy julolidine                               41175-50-2
3,6-Dichloro trimellitic acid                      137071-78-4
Boc-1,2-diaminoethane                              57260-73-8 
Boc-1,3-diaminobutane                              75178-96-0
Boc-1,4-diaminobutane                              68076-36-8
N-(4-Bromobutyl)phthalimide                        5394-18-3
2-[2-[2-(2-Bromoethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]-ethanol      85141-94-2
14-bromo-3,6,9,12-tetraoxatetradecan-1-ol          957205-14-0
Diethyl carboxymethylphosphonate                   3095-95-2
Indocyanine Green  ICG吲哚菁绿                   3599-32-4
PI(碘化丙啶)  Propidium Iodide                   25535-16-4
瑞禧生物研发生产的产品有几千种,包括单分散PEG、低分散PEG、荧光染料、PROTAC / ADC Linker、核酸递送辅料、脂质体用辅料、嵌段共聚物和点击化学产品等等。这些衍生物对生物制剂、纳米颗粒、材料表面、微球、自组装和小分子具有反应性。



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